Cat Weight Management – Keeping Your Feline Fit and Healthy

Obesity in cats can have serious repercussions for their health and lifespan. Vet clinics must devise an appropriate plan for discussing weight gain with clients as well as providing referral routes to weight management clinics.

Cats are obligate carnivores who primarily rely on protein and fat as fuel sources, making a low-fat, low-calorie diet essential to both weight loss and long-term health.


Even though cats may seem content to relax on the sofa all day long, daily physical activity is key to their wellbeing and to avoiding weight gain. Just like people, cats need exercise to strengthen bones and muscles while building coordination skills as well as burning off calories that could become fat storage.

But unlike dogs, cats need to be introduced gradually to exercise. Too much too soon could result in injuries and stress-related behaviors like inappropriate urination. Exercise must also match up with your cat’s natural instincts and desires; for instance if they typically ignore toys and laser pointers try using household objects like pingpong balls or balled-up pipe cleaners instead.

Helping your cat achieve healthy weight is a collaborative journey between yourself and your vet. Start by scheduling a health exam to assess their current body condition and ideal weight prior to beginning any diet or exercise plans that could potentially help your pet reach its target weight goal. Working together, you can devise an efficient plan that will guide them there safely.

Automatic Feeders

If your cat is overweight, there are a few simple steps you can take to help shed excess pounds. First and foremost, visit a veterinarian and get an annual health exam performed.

Your vet can tell you if your pet is healthy and how much weight they should weigh at its current age.

Once you know how much food to give your pet, a programmable feeder can be invaluable in keeping their weight under control. By dispensing small portions throughout the day, programmable feeders allow your pet to eat gradually without overeating. Some automatic feeders even come equipped with built-in cameras so you can monitor how they eat.

Observing your pet closely when on a restricted diet is key. Many automated feeders overfeed by just one or two kibbles per meal; over the course of an entire year this can add up to an increase of one pound in weight gain. Therefore, it is wiser to set up an individual plan so you can monitor how your pet is progressing.

Dietary Changes

Assist your cat in reaching their ideal body condition without developing life-threatening conditions such as hepatic lipidosis by providing them with a diet lower in calories and protein while higher in carbohydrates, as well as decreasing portion sizes, through diet adjustments. Consult with your veterinarian about creating a gradual weight loss program tailored just for them!

Healthy cats typically display a distinct waistline when seen from above, and you should be able to feel their ribs when running your palm down their body side. Overweight cats appear sausage-like without a distinct waistline and their abdomen appears visibly saggy.

If your cat has become used to free-feeding, suddenly reducing their food and altering their feeding schedule can be extremely upsetting for them. To ease them into their new schedule more smoothly, gradually decrease their amount and increase frequency of meals over time. Canned food provides additional hydration benefits which will help your feline drink enough water and avoid urinary tract issues.


Supplements can help keep your cat fit and healthy, complementing their regular diet with extra calories from fish oil for added nutrition without adding excess fat to their diet. Some are even palatable enough that they can be mixed directly into their food with an eyedropper! For added nutritional support without excess fat addition, fish oil supplements provide extra calories without increasing weight on their plate.

L-carnitine is an effective natural supplement to help cats lose weight. Carnitine works to increase metabolism by turning stored fat into energy. Furthermore, L-carnitine improves liver function while simultaneously lowering triglycerides and cholesterol.

Vitamin E is another key dietary supplement for cat health, acting as an antioxidant to protect cell membranes and support immune functions. It can typically be found in animal proteins like beef or organ meats like liver.

Other essential nutritional supplements for dogs include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat, fiber for digestion, and phytonutrients – you can find these available as powdered forms that can be sprinkled onto dry food or wet food kibble.

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