Cat genes control color and pattern. There are specific loci for basic colors such as Colorpoint (Locus C), Agouti (Locus A) and Orange (Locus O).
These genes create different colored furs by altering how alternating bands of eumelanin and phaeomelanin accumulate on each hair shaft, with other genes creating patterns by altering how these basic hues appear.
Feline coat colors such as black, chocolate and cinnamon result from their primary gene for eumelanin pigment production, with intensity and pattern depending on other genes present in their genetic makeup.
Genes can be found as pairs on each of the two strands of DNA (chromosomes). When both copies of a gene have identical copies, the trait expressed becomes dominant; otherwise recessive expression occurs.
The gene for orange coloration resides on the X chromosome and thus affects male cats only, making it gender linked. A dominant orange allele O can inhibit production of black eumelanin pigment, while its wild-type non-orange allele allows both yellow and black pigment production. Female cats with both genes present may exhibit either solid orange fur or an attractive mottled mix called Tortoiseshell fur that looks equally stunning.
The genes encode for coat length, agouti pattern (which refers to the width and number of alternate bands of eumelanin and phaeomelanin on individual hairs), as well as various spotting patterns. Furthermore, there exists an unidentified gene which influences when agouti shifts occur.
Research in genetics has allowed us to identify many genes responsible for certain conditions in cats and develop diagnostic tests that can detect them; additionally, this research has shed light on how different genes interact to create distinctive coat colors or spotting patterns in our pets.
Genome sequencing from breeders worldwide has proved invaluable to feline genetics. Leslie Lyons of the University of Missouri used this information to investigate genetic diseases such as polycystic kidney disease in cats.
Modern domestic cats come in an incredible variety of colors and patterns known as phenotypes, from solid (self) colors to tabby patterns (one or more colored stripes), tortoiseshell, with its base colors such as black or orange with patches of white spots, to tortoiseshell. Cats with white spots (calicos or torties, sometimes known as patched torties), typically possess one dominant gene for white spotting while another recessive gene provides their base color base color base color base color base color base color (a trait known as patched torties).
Stanford Medicine researchers have identified a gene that regulates early development of feline fur with its characteristic patterns of blotches, stripes and spots. This gene resides on females’ two X chromosomes – though only one will ever be utilized.
Cats that possess the Blue gene will produce coat colors that are bluish-grey (d/d). When combined with B locus Brown it can produce Lilac or Cinnamon coat colors, while when combined with Orange it can create Cream or Apricot hues.
Genetic mutations that alter black pigment intensity include the Dilution gene and can wash out some of its normal hue. It may also modify Orange (Locus O) to produce blue-cream coloring and with Brown (Inhibitor, Locus I) and Silver genes to produce the agouti pattern seen among Chausie breeds; different phenotypes vary from basic mackerel patterning up to wide band or tipped agoutis.
VetGen has spent several years studying cat genetics to understand how mutations at different loci interact and create the diversity seen today in domestic cats, through DNA testing. They have done extensive work identifying which genes correspond with which loci, as well as which variants result in different coat colors or phenotypes, in order to offer DNA tests available now by VetGen.
Large-scale genetic screening has not only revealed coat color-coding mutations but has also identified disease-causing mutations not expected in nonpedigreed cats. A recent study of 11,000 cats identified 13 unexpected disease-associated mutations. This finding supports research goals related to using felines as models for human disease understanding.